Software Engineer
2023 - Present
Applications Programmer
City of Los Angeles, Finance Department
Software Engineer Intern
EtherWAN Systems, Inc.
2018 - 2022
B.S. Computer Science
University of California, Irvine
Social platform where users can record leetcode progress as a group.
React JS, Express JS, AWS, PostgreSQL
Central hub of my software learning.
React JS, Express JS, AWS, PostgreSQL
Multiplayer pong game in the terminal where users are connected via a TCP connection.
Rust, Crossterm, Ratatui
Full Stack Netflix clone made in undergrad. Features include Login/Registration, full text search, filtering, mock purchasing system, shopping cart, session management, and admin dashboard.
JQuery, Java Servlets, Apache Tomcat, MySQL
Job search application that utilized the github jobs api (deprecated) to return job listings based on inputted keywords.
React JS